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There are several different methods of joint pain management. Your doctor will ask you about any medical conditions that you may have or ask about your family’s history. They may also perform a physical examination to check the joint. Your doctor may also order imaging tests such as X-rays, MRI, ultrasound, or CT scans to confirm the cause of your joint pain. Your treatment will be based on the cause of the pain. If it’s arthritis, your doctor may prescribe pain medication to treat the discomfort. If the pain is related to an infection, he or she may prescribe an anti-infective agent. Have a look at Pembroke Pines Regenerative Medicine Organization for more info on this.

While acute injuries cause immediate pain and loss of function, chronic diseases can lead to long-term damage. Repetitive movements cause excessive strain on joints, resulting in tiny injuries that multiply over time. This leads to a variety of symptoms, including tennis elbow and golfer’s elbow. Arthritis is an inflammatory disease of the joints, which can take decades to develop. It’s important to visit a doctor for treatment and prevention to help prevent and treat arthritis.
During a consultation, your doctor will evaluate your symptoms and perform a physical examination. An X-ray will confirm whether you’ve sustained a prior injury to the joint. Blood tests will also help rule out autoimmune diseases. A complete blood count and sedimentation rate test will indicate whether your body is dealing with a specific type of inflammation. Your doctor may prescribe topical pain relievers or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce inflammation and swelling and exercise to maintain range of motion.
Your doctor may also recommend an orthopedic surgeon for more extensive treatment. However, the most effective treatment for arthritis-related joint pain will depend on your symptoms. Once you have identified the cause of your joint pain, you can get treatment that will help you return to your normal life. It’s crucial to seek the advice of your primary care physician and the team at your Pain Management Center to find the right treatment option for you. The right treatment will allow you to resume your life as soon as possible.
Aside from visiting a doctor for treatment, you can also try a few self-help methods to manage your pain at home. Using an ice pack or heating pad can help to reduce swelling and pain. Heat can help relax muscles around the joints. By staying active, you’ll have less joint pain and a healthier lifestyle overall. Staying active will also help strengthen your joints and muscles. There are also various exercises you can try that will help you strengthen your joint.
The most common treatment for joint pain is NSAIDs, which are considered first-line pharmacological agents. However, they do not work well in deep joints. Instead, the doctor may recommend a topical NSAID, which is applied directly to the affected area. This form of NSAIDs delivers an effective concentration to the affected tissues, while causing few systemic effects. Topical NSAIDs may even be as effective as oral NSAIDs in treating mechanical joint pain. Furthermore, they are considered safe and only cause occasional local reactions.