Unknown Facts About Bail Bonds

Bail bonds are a way to secure an individual’s release from jail. Basically, bail bonds are a surety bond – money or property that the bail bondsman or bail bond dealer pledges as collateral. If you are ever arrested, bail bonds are your only option for obtaining immediate release from jail.You may want to check out bail bonds Greensboro NC for more.

During the bail process, bail bondsmen determine whether a defendant is eligible for a bond. They must be able to provide collateral such as a co-signer or security, and they must guarantee that the defendant will attend court. If the defendant fails to appear in court, the bail bondsman will forfeit a small percentage of the bail amount.

Bail bonds are affordable and can make your life easier. However, you should never take a decision lightly. Even if a criminal charge is minor, you might still have to pay a high bail amount to avoid being incarcerated. It is essential to consider the type of crime you are accused of, whether it is a felony or a non-felony, and whether you are at risk of fleeing the jurisdiction.

In some states, bail bondsmen can hire bounty hunters to find fugitives. In exchange for a percentage of the amount of the bond, bounty hunters will try to bring a defendant to court. However, the court provides a certain grace period to bail agents in these circumstances. However, if you fail to appear for court on time, your bond agent may have to hire bail enforcement agents and bounty hunters.

While deciding on the amount of a bail bond, courts also consider the defendant’s income, employment, and assets. While a defendant with substantial resources will be able to pay a high bail amount, a defendant with limited resources will be adversely affected. Therefore, a high bail amount will not be enough to deter a criminal.

Bail bonds are a good option for those who cannot afford the full amount of the bail. Bail bonds allow defendants to leave jail while they await their court date. However, some jurisdictions require defendants to pay their bail amounts in full. The bond amount is determined by the judge, which is different for each crime. If you don’t have the funds, you can pay a small fee for a credit card payment, which is accepted by many jails.

Bail bondsman fees are usually between 10 and 20 percent of the bail amount. This fee can be paid in full or on a payment plan.


Apex Bail Bonds of Greensboro, NC
101 South Elm Street Suite 80
Greensboro, NC 27401
Phone No. : 336-609-1190