Risks and Dangers of Hair Transplants

Getting a hair transplant is a good way to deal with hair loss. The procedure involves a team of medical professionals who take healthy hairs from one area of the scalp and graft them to an area of the scalp that is lacking hair. The goal of the procedure is to produce natural-looking hair growth. However, there are some risks involved with the procedure. A surgeon should be able to explain all of these risks before you decide to have a hair transplant.If you’re looking for more tips, Emtone in NYC   has it for you.

The hair transplant procedure can be performed in one of two ways. The first method, called follicular unit strip surgery, involves a surgeon cutting a 6- to 10-inch strip of skin from the donor site. These strips contain hair follicles that can be transplanted to a hairline or the sides of the head.

The second method, called follicular unit extraction, involves using a special surgical instrument to extract individual follicles from the back of the head. These grafts are then implanted into small holes created at the recipient site. The procedure can take several hours or a single day, depending on the number of grafts and the size of the donor site.

After the procedure, you may have some swelling in the face or on your scalp. These swellings usually subside after a few days. If they do not, you may need to take antibiotics to treat an infection. Your doctor may also prescribe medicine that helps keep the thinning hair from reoccurring.

In order to avoid scarring, you will have to be careful about what you do for the first two weeks after your transplant. Avoid strenuous activities such as exercise. You may also need to use anti-inflammatory medications for a few days. You may also need to take a mild sedative to relax.

There is a small risk of infection with hair transplants. If you are experiencing a high fever, a bad infection, or severe pain, you should contact your doctor right away. Also, you may need to take antibiotics to help with folliculitis, an infection of the new hair.

It is important to remember that you will need to wait for several months before you see the full results of a hair transplant. You may also have to undergo several sessions to achieve the look you want.

In addition, the transplanted hair will fall out within two to three weeks. However, it will start to grow back after a few months. If you notice thinning hair in the area of your transplant, you may need to undergo a “touch-up” procedure. This will help blend your follicles and create the most natural-looking hair growth possible.

Some people may need to take several sessions of medicine to keep the new hair growth from reoccurring. Some surgeons also prescribe minoxidil, a hair-growing drug that is known as Rogaine. You may also want to use a hair spray to help your new hair grow.

A hair transplant is usually performed in a doctor’s office. It usually takes four to eight hours to complete the procedure. The surgeon will use anesthesia to numb the scalp.


ForHair NYC Restoration Clinic
Dr. John Cole 35 W 45th St
3rd Fl Suite 3, New York,
New York 10036
Phone No. :678-566-1011