Lubbock back pain treatment – Chronicles

Treatment for chronic back pain varies depending on the cause. Treatments can include physical therapy, manual therapy, and back surgery. Lubbock regenerative medicine is one of the authority sites on this topic. In some extreme cases, a steroid injection can relieve pain. However, this is not a long-term solution and should not be used as the sole method of back pain treatment.

The first step in back pain treatment is to identify the cause. The cause is generally determined through a medical history and physical examination. In some cases, your healthcare provider will order imaging and lab tests to confirm a diagnosis. Once a diagnosis is made, you may be prescribed medications to ease your pain and restore the proper function of your spine. Your healthcare provider can also prescribe physical therapy to help you return to an active lifestyle.

Physical therapy can help alleviate your back pain by restoring your muscle strength. The therapist will also teach you how to exercise properly to reduce strain and prevent injury to your spine. You should also avoid activities that aggravate your pain or cause further damage. Exercises can include water aerobics and yoga, which are both beneficial for people with back pain. You can also check out local public schools or community centers for low-impact exercise classes. Eating a balanced diet is also important for your back’s health.

A medical examination is essential for a proper diagnosis of back pain. During the examination, your healthcare provider will ask you about the exact symptoms you are experiencing and when the pain started. Lab and imaging tests are also used to further investigate possible causes. If necessary, your healthcare provider may also recommend a surgical procedure. During this procedure, small disc fragments are removed or abnormal vertebrae are fused together to straighten the spine and restore function.

If your back pain lasts for more than six weeks, it is considered chronic. In these cases, the pain is usually caused by muscle deconditioning, improper posture, injury, or aging. There are also genetic factors that contribute to chronic back pain. In these cases, back pain treatment should target these causes and improve physical function.

Gentle exercise can also speed up the recovery process. It can help with coordination, posture, and muscle balance. If done correctly, gentle exercises can even reduce your stress and improve your quality of life. But, be sure to stop if you feel any discomfort. It’s best to avoid exercising if your back pain is severe.

Physical therapy is an effective treatment for chronic back pain. A physical therapist can teach you how to perform common daily activities without straining your back. A physical therapy program typically lasts four to six weeks, and many people experience pain relief after the first visit. Another treatment option is manual therapy, which involves manipulating your muscles and joints to improve function and mobility.

Acupuncture is another popular treatment option for back pain. Acupuncture involves inserting very fine needles into specific points on your body. These points are determined by traditional Chinese maps of energy flow. Although it has not been proven to work for acute low back pain, some people find it to be effective. Another alternative treatment for back pain is massage. Massage is not effective for acute low back pain, but can be relaxing.