Joint Pain Treatment Guide

If you’ve been experiencing joint pain, you’ve probably already considered visiting a joint pain clinic. These medical facilities specialize in treating joint pain caused by various causes, including physical trauma, injuries, and arthritis. A visit to a joint pain clinic can help you find relief from the discomfort and resume your normal lifestyle. A doctor will be able to diagnose the cause of your pain and begin treatment to reduce inflammation and restore healthy joint function. Your doctor will ask you a series of questions to determine the specific cause of your pain, so be prepared to answer questions about your past history, joint injuries, and pain medication. Albuquerque joint pain treatment is an excellent resource for this.

A good joint pain clinic will have experienced physicians and a modern environment. Additionally, it will provide exceptional customer service. Most procedures are performed on site and the staff will be highly trained to help you get the treatment you need. Most of these facilities will offer part-time classes and offer counseling and education to help you cope with your condition. Some of these programs will also include pain education classes and relaxation exercises. In addition to these, they should also provide you with the tools you need to manage your pain at home.
Some people choose to grin and bear joint pain. Others take over-the-counter medications to relieve their discomfort. However, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are not effective in relieving chronic joint pain. Instead, these drugs can mask an injury and only provide temporary relief. While these medications may work temporarily, they are not recommended for long-term use. If pain is severe and is not alleviated by medication, then surgery is a good option. However, before choosing a surgical procedure, you should talk to a doctor first.
The doctor will first perform a physical exam. He or she will ask a series of questions about your joint pain to narrow down the possible causes. A joint X-ray is often performed to determine if arthritis is the cause. Blood tests may also reveal autoimmune conditions. Other tests include sedimentation rate and a complete blood count. Treatment options include prescription pain medications and stretching exercises to maintain range of motion and strength. A joint pain clinic should be able to offer a comprehensive evaluation of your pain.
Symptoms of joint pain may include osteoarthritis, bursitis, and gout. Inflammation of the tendons connecting bone and muscle are also common. These disorders can cause significant discomfort if left untreated. Joint pain may be a sign of more serious problems – you should see a doctor as soon as possible to find out what’s causing it. You may even have an infection that is causing your pain.
At a joint pain clinic, your doctor can administer anti-inflammatory medications or proteins to help reduce pain and improve range of motion. The doctor may also administer prolotherapy (sugar solution) to encourage the healing process of injured tissues. Prolotherapy is typically given every three to four months. Injection of hyaluronan is another treatment option for joint pain caused by osteoarthritis. The doctor will prescribe the treatment that best suits your specific pain situation.


QC Kinetix (Albuquerque-West)
8521 Golf Course Road NW, Unit 116
Albuquerque, NM 87114
(505) 226-8688