Invisalign – Why You Need It

Invisalign is a treatment technique that uses clear aligners that are nearly invisible. Patients can easily remove them for eating, brushing their teeth, and special occasions. These aligners don’t use wires or metal brackets, making them an ideal choice for people who want their teeth straightened without the need for braces or other visible treatment. If you would like to learn more about this, please check out  Invisalign St Charles

However, patients should be aware of some risks associated with wearing these clear aligners. One common risk is that hot water can warp the plastic aligners, affecting their fit and effectiveness. Also, the complexity of a person’s orthodontic problem may affect how quickly the process works. For example, patients with more complex spacing or bite problems may take longer to see results. Other factors to consider include age and sex.

The clear plastic aligners come with little buttons or attachments. These attachments are placed on one or several teeth, allowing them to grip the teeth and move them to the new position. The rubber bands attached to the aligners can also be customized with buttons or attachments. The purpose of the attachments is to make the aligners more effective.

The Invisalign process starts with a consultation appointment, where a dentist evaluates the mouth and teeth. If the procedure is deemed suitable, patients will receive a series of 3D digital impressions that are sent to the Invisalign laboratories. These images will allow the Invisalign laboratories to create a series of precision aligner trays. The number of trays a patient needs to wear depends on the severity of their misalignment.

Invisalign treatment can be costly. The total price of treatment may range from $3,000 to $5,000, depending on the complexity of the misalignment and the location of the dentist. However, some dental insurance plans cover the cost of Invisalign. You may also be able to use Flexible Spending Accounts to pay for your Invisalign treatment. You should check with your dental insurance provider to see if they will cover this cost.

Another advantage of Invisalign is that it is more comfortable than traditional braces. During the treatment, you must wear the aligners for 20 to 22 hours each day. While you may experience some discomfort during this time, the pain that occurs is manageable by taking medication or eating soft foods. However, you should brush your teeth before placing the aligners back in your mouth.

Cleaning your Invisalign aligners is another benefit. They need to be carefully cleaned because they can become discolored with food particles and bacteria. Keeping them clean will help you maintain a clean smile. Invisalign is a popular treatment for tooth alignment. Whether it is used for cosmetic reasons or because you want a perfect smile, Invisalign is an excellent option.

In general, Invisalign is effective for people with crowded teeth. While it can’t fix all cases of crowded teeth, it can help fix many of the most common conditions. Crowded teeth can make chewing difficult, and can cause tooth decay and gum disease. Most people can fix their crossbit with Invisalign, but extreme cases may require oral surgery.

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Dean Street Dental
2210 Dean Street Suite O2,
St. Charles, IL 60175
(630) 584-8787