Detailed Notes on QC Kinetix

The physician at a pain control clinic will assess the severity of your pain and recommend appropriate treatments to help you manage your condition. The doctor will also take into account your medical history, medications you are currently taking and any prior diagnostic studies. He or she will also perform a physical examination and may order diagnostic tests. Patients are also encouraged to keep a pain diary, which allows them to note patterns of pain. Read the article  Abilene Back Pain Treatment – QC Kinetix (Abilene) 

Pain control clinics also offer psychosocial services to patients. They help patients understand pain better and offer education on how to avoid it. The ultimate goal of pain control is to improve a patient’s quality of life. The clinic may even provide counseling to family members and friends of patients to help them cope with the condition.

In addition to counseling, some pain control clinics offer group exercise classes to help patients manage their pain. This type of physical activity improves posture and increases blood flow to the muscles. Some pain control clinics also encourage yoga and other types of stretching. Physical activity also lowers stress levels. Patients may feel nervous about attempting exercise, but a pain control clinic can help them overcome their fears.

Pain control treatment options include prescription and over-the-counter medications. Antibiotics and muscle relaxers are sometimes prescribed as well. Anti-inflammatory medications may also be prescribed, though these can cause side effects and are not recommended for children. Taking prescription medications may be habit-forming, so patients must follow all instructions carefully.

QC Kinetix in Liberty offers a variety of advanced technologies and treatments to help patients manage their pain. These therapies work by stimulating the body’s natural healing ability, allowing injured tissues to heal faster. Patients can also resume normal activities much faster than with conventional surgery. Most patients experience minimal side effects after undergoing the treatment.

Trigger point injections are another treatment option for chronic pain. These injections help to ease muscle and back pain. These injections work by blocking pain messages from nerves, allowing the body to relax and lengthen. These injections are administered through a multidisciplinary rehabilitation approach, allowing the most effective pain relief for the patient.

Neuropathic pain is caused by problems with the nervous system, causing nerve cells to fire pain signals by mistake. This pain is caused by conditions such as diabetes, multiple sclerosis, and HIV. During an evaluation, healthcare providers will ask patients about their pain and the symptoms. This type of pain can feel like a stinging, burning, or electric sensation.

Opioid medications can be effective in combating moderate pain. However, if your pain is severe, a pain control clinic may be a better choice. It’s important to choose a clinic with board certified doctors. These doctors are more experienced and have the necessary skills to provide quality pain care.